Subconscious Self number
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know your Subconscious Self Number
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Subconscious Self Number How to find your Subconscious Self Number

To find your Subconscious Self number, simply count the amount of numbers represented in your name, as revealed in the Karmic Lesson Chart; or subtract the number of Karmic Lessons in your chart from 9, and arrive at your Subconscious Self number.

For example, in the case of George Bush , as we saw in his Karmic Lesson Chart, the number 4 is missing in his name. Hence he has 1 Karmic Lesson. His Subconscious Self therefore is 9-1 = 8. Or, since he has eight numbers represented in his name, his Subconscious Self is 8.

The Subconscious Self numbers range from 3 through 9. A name consisting of two or less numbers is never found.

The symbol for the Subconscious Self is an arched doorway.

Questions To Ponder

1. What is subconscious self number?

It shows your capacity to correctly assess a situation and to respond appropriately.

2. How do you find the Subconscious Self Number?

The Subconscious Self is derived from your Karmic Lesson chart.

3. What does the Subconscious Self Number indicate?

The Subconscious Self Number reflects the confidence you have in your personal power and competence.

4. How is the Subconscious Self Number calculated?

It is calculated how many of the 9 digits are included in your name. If 8 of the 9 digits are present in your name, your subconscious number is 8. And if you have all the digits represented by the alphabets in your name, you would be a confident person.