Heart's Desire Number
Enter your Name below to know your Heart's Desire Number
Name : *
Pet (short) Name : *
Heart's Desire Number How to find your Heart's Desire Number

To find your Heart's Desire Numebr, add the numerical value of the vowels of each of your names; reduce them to single digits; add the single digits; and reduce them again to a single-digit number, which is your Heart's Desire number. Just as with the Expression number, do not reduce Master numbers of 11 and 22 to single digits.

For example:George Bush

    7  +     3
  ----       ----
  5 6 5     3
George     Bush

The name George has three vowels( 5, 6and 5), which totals to 16 which when reduced gives 7.

The name Bush has one vowel, which is U of value 3.

George Bush 's Heart's Desire Number is therefore 7+3 = 10, which reduces to 1.

The symbol for the Heart's Desire number is a circle with the number inside.

How to find your Heart's Desire Number

To find your Minor Heart's Desire number, add the sum total of the vowels in your short name in the same manner as that described under Heart's Desire. Remember, do not reduce Master numbers to single digits.

For example :


The name Bush has one vowel with a value of 3.

George Bush's Minor Heart's Desire is therefore 3.

The symbol for the Minor Heart's Desire is a circle, smaller than that for the Heart's Desire.

Questions To Ponder

1. How do I calculate my hearts desire number?

Use the last name you had at birth, if you changed it after marriage. If this gives you a double digit, add the digits together until you get to a single digit. This is your heart's desire number.

2. What does 1 Heart’s Desire Number mean?

The 1 Heart's Desire number indicates you have a deeper craving to rule over your own direction in life according to what you believe is right.

3. What does Heart’s Desire Number indicate?

Your Heart's Desire reflects the deeper, inner you; it suggests an underlying desire and the general intention behind many of your actions.

4. Other name for Heart’s Desire Number?

Soul urge number.

5. What is a Soul number 1?

Soul number 1 shows that you're intuitive and ambitious. You like to be in control, both at home and at work.